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Sunday, April 10, 2016


  • Don't wait for luck.
  • Go and do your work.
  • Allah will give you what you deserve.
  • But before that apply your nerve.
  • Don't wait for luck. 
  • Don't you know Allah may be waiting for us to work?
  • Crave pious thing for yourself.
  • Don't wait for the miracle.
  • Don't wait for  Allah.
  • Because Allah is waiting for those who do their best for their cause.
  • Don't procrastinate over the work.
  • Keep yourself busy every time at work.
  • Do something different that you crave.
  • But don't be indifferent to the thing that you love to the hilt.
  • The Predicament in life will always be there.
  • But use your wisdom to get out of the trouble.
If you want to know more about courage click on the link, see it, the beautiful explanation of how to add perseverance quality in your personality.perseverance can help you to achieve anything in your can use it as a tool. The link is

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