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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Never give up

Never Give Up 

my first question to all of you is how many times you have given up either your activities or your goals. Many of us abort our activities when we find it difficult to continue when we find some obstacles in our path. We give up. In other words, we can say that we don't continue and abort our work. But it's not a positive attitude. this attitude will never give us success. We will have to give up the attitude of  giving up."

We will not stop unless and until we reach our goals", this type of attitude should be there in our personality with the commitment to the work.

many people after some failure in their cause, give up. why should we not give up? I am giving you a very beautiful and extraordinary example that will motivate you to continue your work and help you to give up the attitude of giving up. Whenever we start doing something, initially we feel very enthusiastic, energetic, and vibrant to work ahead but as time passes we become very exhausted and start feeling tired. and there is a possibility of giving up the work after that. some people give up on being exhausted and some do not give up and remain perennial like rivers in their work this sort of people get success in their life.
Let's try to illustrate it in a lucid manner. suppose you have a big stone and you want to crumble it into pieces using a hammer. So, what you will you do? you will start hammering the stone and keep doing it till the stone breaks. now try to observe the "hammering and splitting of stone" closely. you will find that the last hammer which is yet not struck on the stone is very much crucial in breaking the stone. Watch the stone meticulously before the last hammer will crumble the stone into pieces, there won't be any spot any crack on the stone before the last strike. As we impinge the last hammer, the stone will get split into several pieces without giving any warning, without giving any indication of a crack.
Now I want to ask a question to you all. just before the last hammer, there was no sign of a crack but still, this last hammer worked and broke the stone. it means that from the very beginning when we had started hammering the stone, the stone was internally being weakened but that was not visible to our naked eye. hence when the last hammer struck, the stone crumbled into pieces and we thought that the last hammer gave us success but in reality, every hammer from the beginning to end was worthy of success. We all are like the story of " hammering and splitting of stone.".we don't know which is the last step or last hammer for us that will give us the result. so we should keep in our mind that any of the steps taken by us might be our last step and success may be waiting for us. But we often give up our activities without knowing if this was the last step that would have given us success.

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