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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Is globalisation a need or simply a commercial approach for some developed country?

At first we need to understand the meaning of globalization. What is globalization?
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.
Globalization is the process of taking all the countries of the world under one roof so that we can discuss the global problem nicely.We need to take an eye on some problem that affects all the countries equally.These are the problem the global problem.some global problems are terrorism,chronic hunger,malnutrition,under-nutrition etc.These problems can not be solved by a particular country working locally  unless and until all the countries of the world come together and take a pledge to remove these problems globally.Terrorism is the first global is not the problem of our country only but most of the country in  the world are afflicted by terrorism.this severe problem of the terrorism can not by solved by a single country but we will have to tackle this problem globally and each country should   participate in the step taken against the global terrorism.

we should see at the globalization from the eye of the underdeveloped country then it will  emerge as a positive thing because many underdeveloped countries have their natural resources but they don't know the  technology behind it and are not aware of how to use their resources as a tool to develop their country.So if globalization is there.Developed countries can help them to utilize their resources in a productive way. And also the citizens from the developed countries will come in contact with the people of underdeveloped countries and that will help the underdeveloped people to widen their horizon and broaden their thinking and they will start thinking globally rather than locally.So it clearly proves that globalization is a very positive approach for the underdeveloped countries. now the era is of globalization. As far as we are concern about globalization of India. India should work for the globalization,It will be very fruitful for the country like India. as  a developing country India has  many talents but instead of all these talents India is lagging behind some countries like chine, japan etc.Because Indian talents are not being used by India but some developed countries are using our for that sake we need to inculcate the feeling patriotism in the minds of our people.we should deeply deliberate on why these IITian from our country going abroad after completion of the course.every IITian after having completed their degree wants to go for a country where they can get appropriate environment to nourish  and flourish their knowledge and also they seek to convert their knowledge and skill in a practical way.sometime some IITians don't find the appropriate plateform in India to utilize their knowledge in a productive way .that is why many IITians are moving to the developed country.But apart from all these we should instill the feeling of patriotism in Indian and make them believe that you are going to the developed country. no problem but their are some responsibility of yours towards your country and fulfill those expectation of our countrymen by coming to india and apply your knowledge in the country and make this country a place like heaven.
it is easily visible from the earlier discussion that moving of IITians to developed countries are due to globalization. despite these globalization is very much needed for the country like India. India needs investment from the expatriate tycoon to develop new factories  and promote industrialization   so that more employment is created in India.this will up to some extent will remove the problem of unemployment. and also India government will prosper by getting tax payment from those companies.
country like America which has been saturated in the development and  want to utilize the natural resources of underdeveloped country has a negative impact on the underdeveloped country.developed country has business approach towards the underdeveloped country.overall we see that globalization is a need of today but some developed countries are doing their business.

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