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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Mansur Al-Hallaj and his search of God

 When Mansur Al-hallaj was executed, His head and every part of his body were chanting an Arabic line "anal-haq" which means I am the truth. I am the God.

Previously people thought Mansur's words is shirk and he has to pay the price of shirk. So he was executed. after the execution, every part of his body started speaking "Anla-haq" which made people think that Mansur Al-hallaj was right. This execution was wrong. It should not have happened. He was the real God seeker. Although people repented of this incident when he was alive and used to say anal haq.No one believed his word and thought that he is doing shirk. We as human beings tend to extract the actual meaning of words but we can not see the intention behind the word. People forget that only the word can not give you real meaning without understanding the emotions and soul.

After his execution and this incident, the Islamic scholar of the time interpreted the "Anal-haq". It was said that when your ego becomes zero and you assimilate yourself to Allah, you are no longer a separate entity you become part of God itself. and hence the same thing happened with Mansur Al-hallaj. He lost his identity. he completely assimilated himself with Allah.

My understanding of this incident-

Whatever we do in our worldly life, all thing gives an identity to us. We wear clothes, watches, jewelry, etc. we own bike car bicycles television mobile phones, etc. All these worldly things give us identity. whenever you have some identity you are away from Allah. When you say you want to become Allah's servant that makes no sense. Either you have to assimilate yourself in God itself or you will have your own separate identity. When you assimilate yourself with God then You will merge with God and become a part of nature and you won't be any separate entity. when you see yourself as a Banda of Allah or the servant of God, you are giving a separate identity to yourself and you will never meet Allah .you will never feel Allah in this way.

You can find Allah at the cost of your identity. It is a very bizarre thing that we wear clothes we own many things. It is like an entity parallel to God. In this way no matter how many prayers we do We will not feel Allah. We will not reach Allah. Lose your identity and assimilate yourself with God and see the full magic of happiness. There won't be any sorrow. World affairs keep us away from God.

Whenever you say you want to find Allah. and are in the search of Allah. then let Me tell you then you can not find Allah. If you have to find Allah you have to merge yourself with nature. Lose your ego and see the magic. The moment you say you want to find Allah, You are keeping yourself away from Allah by saying these words. Rather It would be the right to say I want to lose myself in the Allah

When you want to find Allah. you may not find. but when you want to assimilate you want to merge with Allah. Who can stop you?

Whenever we see ourselves in the mirror and feel proud of ourselves. You are creating yourself your ego starts becoming stronger.

Whenever we say we are the father of someone son of someone we are away from God. You can not find it. You can only assimilate with God. Whenever we feel proud of our body our beautifulness our possession, These things take us in the direction away from God. We create an identity parallel to God. whenever we have possessions we can not reach Allah. having possessions gives us an identity which means away from God. when you feel proud of your possessions when you feel proud of your wild body, you are far away from assimilating with the Allah

Friday, July 1, 2022

My Expectations from this Bizarre World

 Ya...Allah, the world you had created was a beautiful world. In today's world when I see this get frustrated to see people dying for no reason. those were the innocent people who died in Tehran after a Ukrainian plane was shot down. The core reason when I analyze the situation comes out to be the hate ness among people in the world. All those differences are secondary to ideological differences. Ideological differences are the thing people do not want to compromise at any cost .they will fight for their ideology. Everyone is fighting to preserve their own ideology, culture, language, etc. It could have been amazing

 getting to our dream of living in a world of no boundaries. The world would have been fabulous if no boundaries were there. A man named Redcliff came to India and draw a line and divided India in so a hurry that no people could even understand on what basis they divided India. the unnecessary line was drawn at many places .people's homes had been coming in the way to the dangerous line of dividing India and this was the line which marked not only the border but also a hateness in the heart of the people living on both sides of the border and that black spot left behind in our heart seems not coming to an end even after 70years of independence of both of the country.

It had not been even three decades since the independence of both of the countries, the other incident of violence occurred in East Pakistan and we had no choice but to get east Pakistan free from the clutch of west Pakistan so that their future could be easy, bright and beautiful. And we saw another stigma in the name of humanity. The hateness instead of diminishing kept blazing due to the repetition of a similar incidence.

and even today we can easily see the differences in our subcontinent.

The revolution which is most popularly known as the first war of independence against the British occurred in 1857 and rampaged the British east India company's rule in India. Those were the happiest moment when the brotherhood and fraternity among all the cast and religion were at their best. People from all religions came forward with great intensity of anger against the British and Bahadurshah Jafar the descendent of the Mughal empire was declared the king of India in Delhi. people wanted him to rule India from Delhi but the Delhi throne at that stint had become weak and it had its influence only inside the city of Delhi. So the result of the revolution was not fruitful at that time but its implication was far-reaching. It influenced the future course of action in the freedom movement. Therefore the time of the first independence war was the best for the fraternity among all religions in India but as the time passed Britishers, Seeing the power of unity among religious bodies, adopted the policy of dividing Muslims and nonmuslims. At last, when Britishers vacated India, Before getting ousted from here they division of India so that

Important quotes of life

  1.  If you could know how hard  I worked and how much I sacrificed my simple and daily living then you will understand how a common man I am. I am not a talented person. the only thing which is there in me I love to work secretly without telling anyone.-Anonymous
  2. We judge ourselves by what we have the capability to achieve. others judge us by what we have achieved. 
  3. The starting point of all achievement is desire.
  4. Life is a journey, not a race.
  5. Without your personality, your education is worth getting a job only. If you have a positive personality along with education you can do anything in life. You can even become a King. Education without personality is useless, Whereas education with personality is awesome.
  6. Ability and confidence do not have any relation. sometimes people who have no real ability may show extreme confidence. On the other hand, most of the time you would see people having good abilities do not show a good amount of confidence. Therefore, Please Be aware sometimes people with no ability may show an extreme level of confidence to make u feel low. So do not believe in confidence alone to judge someone. Try to know more about him which will give a perspective that his confidence is at the upper level only or if his confidence is deep-rooted with his quality and ability.
  7. When everything is good and well, nothing bothers, like rowing the boat in the direction of the current. But sometimes, knowingly or unknowingly, whether we want it or not, we have to row opposite of the current. In those times the support of the person who matters acts as a pillar of our motivation. But sometimes, the self is contradictory, confused, and doubtful, and in this situation taking a stand, becomes so tough...But, the thing which pulls us out, is "the practice of self-questioning" and "the inner wave".
  8. Everyone in this life has been facing problems of their own. Many are in such trouble that they can't solve their problem alone. They need someone's external support. And one fascinating thing in life I have observed is that if you are busy with some particular task. if you are deeply involved in that. the work or that task will thrill you and give you a very positive feeling. After completion of that task. 
  9. Today one thought struck my mind that I enjoy challenges and winning those challenges gives me a very positive sense. Therefore, I want to make this a passion, and this passion can be evolved in such a way that it can be utilized to change the life of others or it can be changed to solve the problems of others. After the solution to every problem, I can move on to another person. In this way, I will be getting challenges to solve in my life and at the same time, my action will help another person.
  10. Happiness is something to share whereas pain is something to drink
  11. Life is the things that have pain when you have the desire to live, when the desire to live dies all the pain will vanish .whenever you try to resist the changes going on in your life, you face challenges, and facing those challenges with courage makes u different from other people. This is called life.
  12. Whenever you have to take decisions in your life. Try to visualize the consequences how good it can be or how worst it can be If you are able to sustain the worst scenario and the reward which you are going to get after it is worth pursuing this decision then go for it Take a calculated risk. Think about every aspect. Something will always be missing but make decisions if you can sustain the worst scenario of your decision.
  13. Passion is not decided by how much you like it or how much hard work you do for this. It is decided by the amount of happiness that you are able to extract from that activity. If that work gives you happiness. your subconscious mind will start pushing you in that direction