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Monday, March 20, 2023

Why the flower emerges high in the sky?

 Why the flower emerges high in the sky?

It is best to get dispersed towards the sky.
our aim is the sky
Our imagination is beyond the sky.
Visualization is under the earth.
Feel the wind in the air.
Look at the scenic beauty of the world
Try to be desperate for the work you loved
The world is temporary your emotion is permanent
Hence work on the emotion to be the change it wants to see in the world.
However, Heaven is there on the earth. Try to make it the beautiful heaven that you see in the imagination. The world is full of enthusiasm and vitality. use this vitality to make it more lively.
You have numerous possibility
Work on that to make that possibility a reality
Till no one has worked on that you do not know what is the limit of that work on that to push that limit.
Color your imagination like the world is beautiful
Show the world the beauty of your soul. This is the most deserted thing on the earth.
Face major challenges. Believe you will never become weak by facing challenges. Push your limit every day.
Life is so easy. We make it complicated. work in the direction to make it as simple as the world looks.
Face predicament and challenge it every day
The more you face challenges, the stronger you become
And power is the one thing that you would always want in your life The energy is propagating in the entire universe. our body is not so unique.
Power keeps changing its position. It never remains at the same time for long. The more time you give to the power the more it converges and it becomes stronger day by day. and once started procrastinating the power will fade away.
Life is an examination ground where everyone is fighting to keep themselves alive. the more you fight the more capable you become to sustain your life on earth. It never remains in the same place. It keeps changing its position. sometimes it will be in your body tomorrow it may be in the plant the day after tomorrow it may be in the atmosphere it is spontaneous for your energy to get dispersed. If you want to maintain your power you have to work. Understand life remains till you are able to sustain it and the day you are not able to sustain it will go away. Life is fighting every day to make itself more lively, and to look more energetic but death is constantly weakening your fighting is constantly challenging you. It is telling you every day to do the work you want to see in your generation to come. The same information will be transmitted to the coming generation. constantly work to make your life longer as you the death is perennially behind the human unless you become weak enough to give up life. You want to be happier than ever before you have to undo the work already done by death on you. Every moment in various forms is Challenging you every moment is behind you and it wants you to do the work that will fulfill the commandment of Allah.use your time wisely. death is constantly buzzing in your whatever you wanted to do in your life. You never know which will be your last moment
It is telling you the energy or the power you have accumulated won't be of any use after you die so, disperse it wisely in society. So that it will keep doing good things for u even after you are not in the world but the special form of your energy will never be defeated by death. Death is challenging you constantly if you are worried about your body because the body is mortal. It is not yours it has to go one day. So be ready to accept this truth. once you accept the truth you know your body has to die one day.So at least work for the soul which will be admired in the future when you will not be in the world. All the material things related to you will also die down the thing which will become everlasting that will be your memory. Do you know every moment you are living in the world? Its footprint is being left behind. So do not assume that it will not cause you any trouble. one day it will come back and it will certainly haunt you Sometimes things will become worse and you will not understand what is happening to you alone. You should understand that you have only some special access to yourself. where is much information that your mind can not assume and your brain can not work upon.

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