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Thursday, September 10, 2020


 It is a country of very rich culture and heritage.Its history goes back to around 7000-8000 BC.Human settlement on the bank of the river Nile started in 7000-8000 BC.If we see its geographical feature, It won't be wrong to say that the Nile river is the life line of the Egypt.The nile river partly eminates from the lake victoria and partly fom the lake Tana  in Ethiopia.White Nile river  coming from lake victoria and blue nile river coming from Ethiopia  join each other at sudanese capital khartoum and then Nile river flows through  cairo to mediterrinion sea .Its legth is around 6000 km and it is the longest river of the world .most of the population of the Egypt, around 99 percent settles on the bank of the Nile river.intially two kingdom emerged one in north egypt and one in the north Egypt and the other in the south Egypt around 3000 BC.Both of the kingdom assimilated with each other.This kingdom remained in existence for a very long time.In 693 BC Mesopotamia annexed egypt and it became a part of Mesopotamia.Around  500 BC Persian empire controlled all of its affairs  and at that time it had become  a part of the Persian empire .Around 332 BC It was the time of Alexender.He had come out from Mesopotamia with a dream of conquering the world and in this initiative ,He conquered Egypt. Alexender had heard about Egypt history in the childhood and he was emotionally attached to this place. Alexender got settled a new city on the cost of mediterrinion sea  with his name and today the name of the city is 642 AD Arabian islamic rule conqured Egypt and established an islamic rule  and since then it had become a part of the islamic world .Islamic influence can easily be seen  from its language, culture and heritage .Around 1517 Ottomon empire took contol of it .In 1869 the state decided to build Suej canal and the cost incurred in construction of Suej canal made the country Egypt bankrupt and the Britain took advantage of it and attacked Egypt got the control over egypt.

1914-egypt formally becomes a british protectorate  

1922-got its freedom from the british.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


A country situated in the Arabian peninsula  lies completely in the east,surrounded by three important countries UAE,Saudi Arabia and Yaman.The other portion of Oman is open to the Arabian sea ,a part of the Indian ocean.It has very important geographical location in the world at the strait of Hormuz.This strait increases its importance tremendously.Strait of Hormuz and its importance  for Oman and the world can be understood  from the fact that it has the capability of choking out and stopping approximately one third of the oil supply of the  world coming from Persian gulf to the gulf of Oman and then to the rest of the world.If we talk about its neighbouring nations,Saudi Arabia is prospering with oil power in hand  while Yaman facing political crisis because of differences in religious ideology.UAE is also prospering like saudi arabia. At a time when the world is moving forward and the neighbouring countries like Saudi Arabia and U.A.E collaborating at many points with the world power.Oman donot want to remain behind in the race of is collaborating with India and trying to revive its has also many challanges and security threat from Yaman where a political crisis has been going on since 2010.
its population comprise of  Muslims,Hindus,Christian and other  religions follower has become a conglomeration of all the  religions.its population is around 90 lacks  out of which 40 percent people have migrated from  other countries like India Pakistan Bengladesh Shrilanka Phillipins etc.Three decades ago it was having only 13 percent population from outside countries  but today it has increased to 40 percent population.the state religion is Islam and other religion person do not have  persecution and they are free to worship their  idol. Oman state does not get involved in the has been left to the people whatsoever faith they want they can follow .

धर्मनिरपेक्षता आज के भारतीय राजनीतिक परिवेश मे

 आज के भारत का राजनीतिक परिवेश धर्म के दवे्ष से दुषित हो चुका है! प्र्त्येक राजनीतिक पार्टियॉ किसी धर्म विशेष के अनुयायियो का प्रतिनिधित्व कर रही है। ये पार्टियॉ अवसर की ताक मे रहती है कि कहॉ उसे अपने धर्म की राजनीतिक रोटियॉ सेकने का मौका मिल सकता है। धर्म निरपेक्षता तो अब भारत की राजनीति मे नाम-मात्र का रह गया है। इसकी  अब वो किमत नही रही जिसके साथ इसे भारत के संविधान मे सम्मिलित किया गया था। वैसे धर्मनिरपेक्षता तो संविधान के मौलिक अधिकारो से ही स्पष्ट होजाता है जिसमे अनुच्छेद २५ मे धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता के अधिकार की भी बात कही गइ है। परन्तु संविधान के प्रस्तावना पत्र मे इसे नही रखा गया था। बाद मे इन्दिरा गांधी ने ४४वें संविधान संसोधन  के समय धर्मनिरपेक्षता शब्द को सम्मिलित कराकर भारत के अल्पसंख्यक और दलित समुदाय को गौरवान्वित किया था। परन्तु अाज भारत के संविधान की आत्मा पर चोट की जा रही हैऔर हम सभी कुछ नही कर पा रहे है। इसके लिए स्पष्ट व कठोर कदम उठाने की आवश्यकता है अगर आज हम ये नही कर पाये तो हमारी आनेवाली पीढ़ि हमसे प्रश्ऩ करेगी कि हम उसके लिए कौन सा हिन्दुस्तान छोड़कर गए। 

ये एक साधारन लड़ाइ नही है ये एक विचारधारा की लड़ाइ है ये लड़ाइ है राजनीतिक अस्तित्व बचाने का। 

अगर आज हम ये नही कर पाए तो जिस  धर्मनिरपेक्ष भारत मे हम रह पाए सुख -शांति से वो हमारी आनेवाली पिढ़ि को नही मिल पाएगी। अगर आज ये संघर्ष हम नही करते है तो हमारी आनेवाली नस्ले  परवान चढ़ने से पहले इन  अधर्मियो के विचारधाराआे के विरुद्ध संघर्ष करने मे फंस जाएगी। आज आवश्यकता है हिन्दुवादी विचारधारा के खिलाफ एक राजनीतिक युद्ध छेड़ने का। उन्हे ये संदेश देना है कि हिन्दु राष्ट्र का निर्मान  कर तुम एक खास धर्म के अनुयायियो और दलितो को गुमनामी के अंधेरे मे ढकेल रहे हो और अगर तुम बाज नही आए तो भारत गृह युद्ध के अंधेरे मे चला जाएगा।ये अहिंसा का देश हिंसा का उदाहरन बन जाएगा। अब भी वक्त है संभल जाआे नही तो इतना जान लो जीतना तुम कमजोरो को सताओगे उस पर हिन्दुवादी विचारधाराओं से वार करोगे तो वो और मजबूत होगा। वे एकता के सुत्र मे बंधेंगे। तब तुम जान लेना तुम्हारी खैर नहीं रहेगी। इसलिये फैसला तुम्हारे हाथ मे है या तो अल्पसंख्यक के उपर वार करके उसे और मजबुत बनाओ और उसे एकता के सुत्र में बांध दो या उसे हमारे भारत-निर्माता के सपनो का धर्मनिरपेक्ष भारत में रहने दो। तुम्हारा हिन्दु राष्ट्र की तरफ एक एक कदम मुसलमानो और दलितो की एकता का संदेश है और जब ये एक हो गये तो तुम मुठ्ठी भर अपने आपको उच्च-वर्ग कहने वाले याद कर लेना 1972 में युगांडा मे क्या हुआ था। वही हाल ये लोग तुम्हारा करेंगे तुम हिन्दु राष्ट्र बनाने लायक तो बचोगे नही  और भारत की हवाये भी तुम से अनजान हो  जायेगी  और विदेशो में जाकर शरन लेनी पड़ेगी। इटली ने लिबिया मे क्या किया था? इटली का मुसोलिनी  लिबीया में हजारो बर्षो पुराना रोमन साम्राज्य को स्थापित करना चाहता था। 1911 में इटली के साथ लिबिया मे क्या हुआ ? 

सिर्फ एक आदमी उमर पुरी इटली की सेना पर भारी पड़ा   और उसे उल्टे पांव अपनी धरती पर वापस आना पड़ था। तुम्हारा ये राम-राज्य का सपना भी इटली के मुसोलिनी के अधूरे सपना जैसा ही है जो फिर से लाखो दलितो को दासता के युग में धकेल सकता है। सपने देखो सपने देखने की मनाही नही है लेकिन सपने पुरे करने की हिम्मत कभी न करना नही तो जो अवाम अभी तक शांत बैठी है अपने रंग मे आ गइ तो भागने की  भी जगह नही मिलेंगी। 

इतना तुम जान लो जिसे एक बार खुली हवा में सांस लेने की आदत पड़ गइ उसे तुम कभी भी जंजीरो या सलाखो के पीछे कैद नही कर सकते। जिन मुसलमानो को उसकी माआें ने आजाद और स्वतंत्र जन्म दिया हो किसके सिने मे इतना दम कि वो उसको गुलाम बनाले

A blunder mistake of my life

A Blunder mistake of my life

 A nice day, Pawan uncle, one of the uncles from my village, And my elder brother had to go to Hajipur for some work and while going to Hajipur he stayed at night in my room in Muzaffarpur. We talked a lot about the social and political issues with the uncle that night. He came to know a lot about me and I could also know many things from my uncle. He told me to order 3-4 mobile accessories from Amazon and I did the same. I ordered all the things he told me to do. One thing I could notice from the uncle's behavior was that he ordered many things but did not care about their price. it gave me the feeling that my uncle is either wealthier from the inside or trying to show himself wealthier in front of me or maybe thinking that while ordering materials online I'll pay the money. These thoughts kept coming into my mind. it was alright till these feelings were inside my mind. A week later when the ordered material reached him at his village address, I had been getting all this information because the order was done using my amazon account and every piece of information, in addition to my uncle's phone number, was being sent to me also. One day A message came on my mobile that the material when sent to Pawan's uncle, he didn't receive rather he rescheduled it for the other day.

 This message when reached me on my mobile, I thought that uncle might be facing money difficulties or money might not be there in his hand at that time due to which he had to reschedule it for the other day otherwise why would he reschedule it? This thinking of my uncle's miserliness was there in my mind only. I had not shared it with anyone at that time. Suddenly tomorrow, the day after the materials were rescheduled, a call came to me from my elder brother in the morning that the uncle wanted to talk to me. I thought why would he talk to me? there must be some problem and this problem must be related to the material ordered on amazon.

 Now I manifested my feelings and anticipation to my elder brother that he wants to talk to me because the material he had ordered at night while being at my room in Muzaffarpur, had been rescheduled and it must be due to lack of money. there would not be any other reason for calling me. He must be willing to cancel his order as the product price was high. I told all the things to my elder brother about my feelings towards him regarding the order of material. Then he told me to be on the phone and he called the uncle at the conference. After talking to my uncle it came to my surprise that he was in Patna at that time due to which he could not receive it and had to reschedule it now he wanted me to hang the order for a day to receive the other day when he'll be back home. 

I assured him that the order will not be canceled for this day because it has already been rescheduled. after this, the call was hung up. Now it was my time to get bad feelings, to feel offended. I kept thinking about what my elder brother would be thinking about me and without actually analyzing the situation I spoke my mind. it showed the bad side of my personality to him . he did not tell me anything about my bad anticipation or speculation of my uncle but one lesson I learned from this incident try not to divulge your secret or try not to speak up your mind unless you are, damn, sure about it. it will be best if I could not judge anyone from my point of view. 

Now today the 27th august of 2020, I take a pledge not to judge anyone for any matter whatsoever it might be. 



because what goes around, comes around. You do not know your feelings or your judgment for others, one day, will come back to you and will haunt you.