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Thursday, September 10, 2020


 It is a country of very rich culture and heritage.Its history goes back to around 7000-8000 BC.Human settlement on the bank of the river Nile started in 7000-8000 BC.If we see its geographical feature, It won't be wrong to say that the Nile river is the life line of the Egypt.The nile river partly eminates from the lake victoria and partly fom the lake Tana  in Ethiopia.White Nile river  coming from lake victoria and blue nile river coming from Ethiopia  join each other at sudanese capital khartoum and then Nile river flows through  cairo to mediterrinion sea .Its legth is around 6000 km and it is the longest river of the world .most of the population of the Egypt, around 99 percent settles on the bank of the Nile river.intially two kingdom emerged one in north egypt and one in the north Egypt and the other in the south Egypt around 3000 BC.Both of the kingdom assimilated with each other.This kingdom remained in existence for a very long time.In 693 BC Mesopotamia annexed egypt and it became a part of Mesopotamia.Around  500 BC Persian empire controlled all of its affairs  and at that time it had become  a part of the Persian empire .Around 332 BC It was the time of Alexender.He had come out from Mesopotamia with a dream of conquering the world and in this initiative ,He conquered Egypt. Alexender had heard about Egypt history in the childhood and he was emotionally attached to this place. Alexender got settled a new city on the cost of mediterrinion sea  with his name and today the name of the city is 642 AD Arabian islamic rule conqured Egypt and established an islamic rule  and since then it had become a part of the islamic world .Islamic influence can easily be seen  from its language, culture and heritage .Around 1517 Ottomon empire took contol of it .In 1869 the state decided to build Suej canal and the cost incurred in construction of Suej canal made the country Egypt bankrupt and the Britain took advantage of it and attacked Egypt got the control over egypt.

1914-egypt formally becomes a british protectorate  

1922-got its freedom from the british.

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